Monday, September 29, 2008


Not Cubism. But Cutism. Oh, you'll love these.

Adorable, sweetheart neckline, daisy tube tops, with ribbons at the back (not to mention a side zipper & elastic underneath the ribbons)! Don't limit yourself to tying it behind, ribbons (as is fashion) are made to be experimented with.
code: t0013
a - blue/yellow (SOLD)
b - green/red (SOLD)
c - pink/grey (SOLD)
size: free size

price: rm32

Long, skinny cardis.
These lovely figure hugging cardis are made to elongate and slim down the body. That's why they're called skinny cardis! They make you skinny!
code: t0020
a - candy cane (SOLD)
b - spring field (SOLD)
c - love me lots (SOLD)
d - lotsa lines (SOLD)
size: free size

price: rm39
Purchase 2 for RM70
Purchase 3 for RM90

How dare you!
Oh, no! A copycat! But as with all copycats, the material is less thick compared to the Original Vincent hoodie. But it is still just as gorgeous.
code: t0020
e - vincent replica (sold)
size: free size

price: rm45

And that's all for September.
October will be a whole new wonderful month, with a new discount scheme.
And maybe a party. We'll see. ;)