Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Supre Pre-orders 2.0

Edit (10th July): Second batch's order has been placed! :) For those of you who missed out, the next order is now open! Will probably close next weekend as well so do send in your orders before Friday! :) 

Hey guys! The first batch of our pre-order has arrived! They shipped it all out from Australia on Monday and we just received it today (Wednesday)! Pretty fast we know! We’re really excited about it, and will be emailing each of you who placed an order personally regarding your items. :)


Because there were a few people who missed out on the previous Spree, we’re opening a 2nd one that will close on Sunday (10th July 2011). We know it’s a tad rushed and a tad last minute but as most of Supre’s items run out pretty fast, we basically wanna catch it while we can! :)

So what are you waiting for?
Head on over to Supre, browse around to see if any items catches your eye (Sale page! Sale page!), email us at for a quote and if you’re good with it, proceed to make payment and we’ll place your order this weekend! :)

Tentative closing date: 10th July 2011 (Sunday) 11pm. We might close it a little sooner if quota has been met. :)
Do make sure all payments are made on time, and do attach the receipt as well once you've made payment. :)

For more details, please head on over to our first Supre Pre-Order post!
Do read the T&C’s there before placing your order. :)
Happy shopping!

Till next time!