Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pop’s Shop’s Awesome Box Series

And Pop's Shop is back with more amazing self designed & created goodies! This time around she’s brought you these fun box series!

Each box is filled with 20 too cool for words original illustrations from Pop! You guys definitely won’t be getting these designs anywhere else! And while you’re wondering, are these just another bunch of statement cards? We assure you they’re not as each box has it’s own theme and purpose. Below, Pop has created 3 such boxes for 3 different needs.
First up, Life-In-A-Box.
ginawesomelife in a box
“This box is chalk-full of priceless quotes of a frank and honest nature that just might change your life! Okay, worst-case scenario is you chuckle. Get a set and be prepared.”

”Ever woken up and wished you had more direction in your life? Are you Reaching times of mid-life crisis and feeling down? Need a needleful of life botox?  If you or someone that you know is currently undergoing times of trouble, then it’s time to get a THING-A-DAY Box Set! Each box comes with 20 fun things you can do each day- ranging from things quirky and strange, to movies you won‘t regret watching, to something that will get you and your buddies laughing. Makes a great gift.”

”Growing old is depressing. Why not make your friends feel better with our birthday-box of loving rudeness? Each box set comes with three uniquely one-of-a-kind birthday cards, one birthday message-on-a-stick for a cupcake/cake, 24 birthday dares-in-a-hat to be drawn and performed every 15 minutes and one birthday necklace with two very special messages. This will be a birthday package not to be forgotten.”

Each boxed is priced at RM25 and you can email Pop personally at to order your box!

If you’ve got any great ideas and you would like create & customise your own box series, do drop Pop an email as well and she’ll gladly assist you through the process. :)

You know you need a box! Don’t waste time, get a box today! :)
Till next time!

Ps: All descriptions above hijacked (with permission!) from Pop’s Shop! Yes, she FINALLY created her own blog so head on over & support peeps!